Lasting Gifts


The holiday season has descended in full force! Our culture expects that everyone will automatically get into the “Christmas Spirit” when you hear Christmas music or the constant advertising for what to buy your loved ones. For many of our elders, the Holiday Season can be a lonely season. Many older folks find it difficult to travel to visit their loved ones in other states. And travel is expensive for individuals on a fixed income. Many of us live down the road from an elderly person and may not even know them very well.

The news is filled with terror and name-calling; things that can tear that Holiday Spirit right from our hearts. This Holiday Season, consider reaching out to an elderly neighbor. Time is the most precious gift you can give anyone. Time just listening to wonderful life stories. Your local Area Board on Aging may very well have a list of seniors who could use a little extra help. The Charlottesville area is blessed with the services of the Jefferson Area Board on Aging, otherwise known as JABA. There is a wonderful volunteer opportunity there for you! The Neighbor to Neighbor program matches seniors in the community with volunteers willing to give just an hour or so per week.

Many of us feel uncertain what to do to make a difference in these uncertain times in which we are living. Reaching out to help truly does make a difference! You will end up receiving so much more than you give as you reach out to the most vulnerable of our community. And it won’t cost you a penny! Consider calling JABA today (434.817.5222). Or check out their website,

I send a wish for peace and love in your hearts and in your homes, this holiday season and always.

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